The role of a headteacher, teachers, and SENCOs is to protect the safety and welfare of their pupils, especially if they have unique mobility and moving & handling needs.

Solutions training offer training that is tailored to the school and their pupils’ specific handling needs and the equipment used to aid them. Off-the-shelf training isn’t sufficient for this sector, and in most instances, full training programmes are not required. Most schools we partner with want to train limited staff numbers on specific tasks, and transfers which can be conducted over a video conferencing platform, saving, time and money. We offer online People Moving People theory courses, video conferencing skills training, train the trainer programmes and classroom based training – contact me with your requirements and I will provide you with the most effective option for your needs.

The article below from the HSE is very insightful…..

Management of moving and handling
Some disabled students and/or students with SEN/ASN may require specialist moving and handling, treatment or facilities. Teachers and teacher assistants might be called upon to deal with issues they have not had to address before. This is particularly likely when students with severe or complex SEN/ASN are taught in a mainstream setting or ‘special’ targeted provision. Students may not be able to recognise everyday hazards, communicate distress, or move around independently.

Factors to consider in individual moving and handling risk assessments
Activities where moving and handling may be required:
moving around school/ college
playground or outdoor activities
travelling on school transport
activities outside school eg swimming, educational visits
emergency procedures eg moving from the floor after a fall, fire evacuation.

Student factors:
ability to communicate
weight of student
ability to bear weight
ability to co-operate and follow instructions
physical conditions eg spasm, variable muscle tone, impaired eyesight and hearing, and

Employee factors:
individual capabilities and conditions that may affect or inhibit moving and handling, including pregnancy
training needs
level of competence, and
number of trained competent staff available.

Environmental factors:
constraints of space
poor floors, variations in levels
poor layout of areas, making moving and handling difficult
restrictions of movement from clothing, and
poor lighting.